Monday, November 09, 2009

Delicious Art

Throughout history, artists have experimented with many different mediums: oil on canvas, chalk on sidewalks, Elvis on velvet. It wasn't until today that I discovered a new and deeper appreciation of art. What makes these particular paintings unique is that former barista Karen Eland, in what can only be described as a stroke of genius, decided to recreate masterpieces by using coffee instead of paint. Not only am I drawn in by my love of the world's most delicious brewed refreshment, but the paintings themselves turned out surprisingly well. I don't know what these sell for, but I would be proud to have one hanging on the wall of my humble abode.

And if you prefer photos to paintings, I also found this breath taking image today. I don't know where this was taken, but I want to live there.


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That IS impressive. If you find out how to purchase these, let me know!

j. said...

beautiful paintings.lovely photograph.

funny "hammer" story.or is it scary?hehe.

have a good day.