Here are some photos of my medieval torture device that are in focus! You have no idea how hard that was to do one handed, and left handed at that. I didn't shrink down the size of the photos any before uploading them, so if you click on them be prepared for a huge version. The good news is that it's just 9 more days until I get this accursed thing off. June 30th can't come soon enough for me. I can't tell you how many times I've banged that thing on something because it's so obtrusive. The worst being a couple weeks ago when I tried to reach into my glove compartment and hit it on the dash. I got all the pain of breaking it all over again plus I scratched my dash. Good times. Occurrences such as that usually lead to swearing and wanting to hit something, quickly followed by the realization that hitting something isn't a good idea, even more quickly followed by more swearing.
At the physical therapist this week I was told that I still only have 55º range of motion at the PIP joint - or proximal interphalangeal joint (middle joint) and normal range of motion is 105º, so I still have a long way to go. And it turns out, this web site has a pretty good picture of what kind of happened to my finger. I did in fact have a volar subluxation as pictured and described about halfway down. I didn't have any ligament damage but I did have a reasonably large piece of bone in the middle phalanx pulled away from the joint, or 'avulsed' as it is called here.
But anyway, I'm babbling now and that usually means it's time to stop. The important thing is June 30th I'm free of this contraption. I'm going to have to see if I can get a picture of one of the x-rays to put up here. Hopefully one pre-surgery and one post-surgery for comparison/contrast purposes. It's pretty weird to see the x-rays with the pins going through the finger. And I'm really hoping to not have the opportunity to see through my finger after the pins are removed.
I'm also really looking forward to being able to write legibly again. It will be nice to be able to tie my shoes or get my keys out of my pocket without difficulty. Take my shirt or coat off without fear of it snagging on the screws and feeling like it's ripping my finger off. Being able to put a rubber glove on so I can wash dishes. I really can't wait to get this thing off. But I'm babbling again.
Has this affected the other two fingers surrounding the broken one? It looks like they are being pushed over so that looks uncomfortable as well
Yeah, it does get in the way of the two neighboring fingers, but it's more a nuisance than a discomfort. It's just always in the way of something.
As much as having that thing on must suck I have to admit that I had a different reaction. My first thought was that this finger must be so wild & tough that it required mechanical restraint!
Maybe you should name & tattoo that thing so everyone knows just how bad you really are!
This is just my first step toward Vaderism. This is exactly what happened to Anakin Skywalker.
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