Tuesday, May 27, 2008

There Will Be Snoring

.... and there was. I fell asleep during There Will Be Blood and had to backtrack. Kind of wish I hadn't wasted the time now. I really don't get the hype of this film. Really boring. Not a word of dialogue in the first 15 + minutes was my first clue that there would be no plot development or character development. And oddly enough, almost no blood.


Anonymous said...

Maybe there could be blood, may have been a better title...

I thought the movie was ok. Not bad, but night great either.

Here's the kicker though. Supposedly the rumor has it that this film was about capitalism...

If that's true this film was done by someone who actually doesn't understand capitalism.......

And for a film about capitalism there was a lot of unnecessary violence... Which I know those cheese eating surrender monkeys don't normally like....

Anonymous said...

All the blood is in the last scene. You have to wait for it.

(And since when does Pat complain about unnecessary violence?)

Anonymous said...

The blood is actually the oil - the movie is based on the Upton Sinclair novel, 'Oil!' - If I remember correctly, in the novel the characters refer to oil as 'black blood'...but I could be, and am more than likely, wrong about that...I might be thinking of the Beverly Hillbillies. Either way, I dug the film and watching Daniel Day-Lewis's character completely unravel and destroy everything around him was riveting. Not exactly a feel good film, but well worth the time invested watching it....

Unknown said...

I get that it's supposed to be about someone's idea of the evils of capitalism and the big bad oil companies, but I found Daniel Day Lewis's character to be more of a characature than a realistic portrayal. Kind of like Gordon Gecko from Wall Street. Working in the corporate world I do know that there are some hate filled, self absorbed people, but they really are in the minority. To me, the movie was excruciatingly boring and slow just to make a very hollow point.