Sunday, March 25, 2007

I Love and I Hate Costco

I love Costco. I love the good prices and great selection. I love the fact that you can get things there that you can't get other places. Things like these delicious parmesan, garlic, and herbs pita chips that I'm enjoying as I'm waiting for my steak with crumbled gorgonzola on top (both of which I also picked up at Costco) to cook. By the way, if you haven't tried putting a little gorgonzola on top of a good steak, you don't know what kind of deliciousness you're missing. It may sound like an odd combination, I know it sounded odd to me before I tried it, but believe me, it will change your life.

Anyway, as much as I love Costco, I can't seem to be inside for more than about 15 minutes before I start getting the feeling that I have to get the hell out before I hit somebody. I absolutely can't stand being around so many people that don't watch where they are going and will walk/push their cart into me because they don't seem to notice other people in the store. Add to this the people that will completely block an aisle and not seem to notice, and it's more than I can tolerate. I will admit to intentionally bumping into people that are blocking an aisle, but I'm not proud of that. Well, not very proud anyway. I know this isn't Costco's fault, but it honestly does keep me from shopping there on days when I don't think I can put up with it. Maybe if they put horns on the carts so I could honk at people, that would help. At least it would make me feel better. And it would somewhat suppress the urge to shout,"get the hell out of the way."

Plus, the parking is terrible at my local Kirkland Costco, and they don't have a gas station. I think the next closest one is Issaquah though and that's too far to go unless I'm already going to be in the area.

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